Getting Detailed VIO Server Info

Edit: Still good stuff.

Originally posted January 6, 2015 on AIXchange

I wanted to know the VIO server version I was running. Simple, right? I ran $ioslevel, and learned I was on Version

That’s nice, but how do you find out if you’re running fixpacks or service packs? How can you get more information about the version you’re on?

 The help command was very helpful:

            $help ioslevel

            Usage: ioslevel

                   [Reports the latest installed maintenance level of the system.]

In case you missed it, I was being sarcastic.

Then I remembered that there should be a file that contains this sort of information. Unfortunately, I couldn’t recall where it was located. Was it in /etc, along the lines of /etc/redhat-release on a Redhat server? Nope.

So I took a look at the command that was being run under the covers when I ran ioslevel. First I enabled CLI debugging with:

          export CLI_DEBUG=33

Then I tried running ioslevel again:


          AIX: “cat /usr/ios/cli/ios.level “

I already had this output, but the debugging did help me locate the file I was seeking. I went into /usr/ios/cli and found these files:
















SPLEVEL.txt, FPLEVEL.txt and ios.level were the files I needed. Checking them, I discovered I was running:

            $ cat /usr/ios/cli/ios.level


            $ cat /usr/ios/cli/SPLEVEL.txt


            $cat /usr/ios/cli/FPLEVEL.txt


That solved my problem, but I still have questions. Am I mistaken, or at some point did ioslevel provide all this information automatically? Has something changed recently?