Edit: If only ISVs would embrace LPM instead of punishing us for using it.
Originally posted August 30, 2016 on AIXchange
In February I wrote about disabling live partition mobility on selected partitions, and recently I received a related question from someone looking for an alternative to using the HMC GUI. Specifically, how do you turn LPM on and off from the command line on a per partition basis?
This post lays out an audit trail:
“Any change to this attribute is logged as a system event, and can be checked for auditing purposes. A system event will also be logged when the Remote Restart or Simplified Remote Restart capability is set. More specifically, a system event is logged when:
* any of these three attributes are set during the partition creation
* any of these three attributes are modified
* restoring profile data.
Users can check system events using the lssvcevents CLI and /or the View Management Console Events GUI. Using HMC’s rsyslog support, these system events can also be sent to a remote server on the same network as the HMC.”
These system events can be logged:
2420 User name {0}: Disabled partition migration for partition {1} with ID {2} on managed system {3} with MTMS{4}.
2421 User name {0}: Enabled partition migration for partition {1} with ID {2} on managed system {3} with MTMS{4}.
2422 User name {0}: Disabled Simplified Remote Restart for partition {1} with ID {2} on managed system {3} with MTMS{4}.
2423 User name {0}: Enabled Simplified Remote Restart for partition {1} with ID {2} on managed system {3} with MTMS{4}.
2424 User name {0}: Disabled Remote Restart for partition {1} with ID {2} on managed system {3} with MTMS{4}.
2425 User name {0}: Enabled Remote Restart for partition {1} with ID {2} on managed system {3} with MTMS{4}.”
In a real life example, a reader sent me the following information. (Note: The command is in the log output).
“Just FYI, there is a way to make this change from the terminal on the HMC because I can see the command in the audit logs:
02 03 2016 07:48:43 <USER:INFO> Feb 3 07:48:43 hmc01 HMC: HSCE2123 User name hscroot: chsyscfg -m system1 -r lpar -i lpar_id=20,migration_disabled=1 command was executed successfully.
02 03 2016 08:21:01 <USER:INFO> Feb 3 08:21:01 hmc01 HMC: HSCE2123 User name hscroot: chsyscfg -m system1 -r lpar -i lpar_id=20,migration_disabled=0 command was executed successfully.
In this case we were able to run:
chsyscfg -m system1 -r lpar -i lpar_id=20,migration_disabled=1
chsyscfg -m system1 -r lpar -i lpar_id=20,migration_disabled=0
to do our testing.
I was also able to deduce from those commands, that you could run this command to show the disable_migration state:
lssyscfg -m system1 -r lpar –filter lpar_ids=20 -F migration_disabled”
This information should come in handy should you find yourself wanting to make a change from the command line.