Finding Lifecycle and Other Product Info

Edit: These charts project far into the future.

Originally posted May 17, 2016 on AIXchange

When is my version of AIX or PowerHA going out of support?

These types of questions come up all the time. The good news is there are multiple ways to find quick answers to them.

IBM has a support lifecycle webpage that provides this type of information about these and other products, like VIO server and PowerKVM. You can also learn product IDs, availability dates and all the different versions of various solutions.

“The IBM Software Support Lifecycle policy specifies the length of time support will be available for IBM software from when the product is available for purchase to the time the product is no longer supported. IBM software customers can use this site to track how long their version and release of a particular IBM software product will be supported. Using the information on this site, customers will be able to effectively plan their software investment, without any gaps in support.

Find detailed information about the available IBM Software Support Lifecycle Policies to help you realize the full value of your IBM software products.

Use the search form, or browse by software family or product name, to find the software lifecycle details you need. To stay up to date, subscribe to the lifecycle news feed, or download lifecycle data in XML format to import into your spreadsheet program or custom data processing application.”

Another option is to visit Fix Central and request to view fix packs for a particular AIX version. For example, if you browse to this page and scroll to the bottom, you’ll see a graphic showing the lifecycle for AIX version 7.2, accompanied by some useful verbiage discussing support plans. Additional graphics are available for other AIX versions to help you visualize where you are and when fixes were released.

If you have trouble displaying the graph, you can get there quickly via FLRT lite. Select one of the AIX versions and scroll to the bottom of the new page.

Finally, there’s this AIX support lifecycle chart.